Visi žino, kad Baltarusija yra puiki vieta pailsėti ir pagerinti sveikatą! Puiki galimybė tai yra apsilankymas sanatorijoje «Lesnoe». Rasti tai paprasta! Minsko ir Vitebsko krašto pasienyje, toli nuo pramonės ir miesto, vaizdingame miško ežero pakrantėje Domashkovskoye išplėtė savo teritoriją jaukia sanatorija «Lesnoe». Sanatorijos pavadinimas kalba už save. Įsikūręs pušyne prie Berezinskio biosferos rezervato, «Lesnoe» yra laikoma geriausia vieta atsigavimui, gydymui ir poilsiui.

 Sanatorija «Lesnoe» yra labai funkcionalus turistams. Galų gale, jos unikalumas slypi įvairiose teikiamose medicinos paslaugose, garantuojame komfortą ir saugumą! Tai užtikrina puiki medicininė bazė, įvairios animacijos, apimančios visas amžiaus grupes ir visas pageidavimus. Taip pat «Lesnoe» gali ateiti savaitgaliais ir atgauti jėgas po darbo savaitės. Sostinės gyventojai norėtų atvykti į savaitgalį, nes «Lesnoe» yra tik 96 km nuo Minsko.

 Jums, brangūs poilsiautojai, «Lesnoe» sanatorija pirmą kartą atidarė duris 1989 m. Liepos 3 d. Keliautojai iš karto įsimylėjo sanatorijos «Lesnoe». Todėl 1996 m. Pastatytas dar vienas pastatas. Tačiau tai negalėjo patenkinti augančios sanatorijos paslaugų paklausos. 2016 m. Buvo pastatyti atskiri svečių namai. Tuo pačiu 2016 m. Sanatorija «Lesnoe» gavo aukščiausio sanatorinio kurorto sertifikavimo kategoriją. Kas buvo teikiamų paslaugų kokybės patvirtinimas.

 Poilsis ir gydymas sanatorijoje «Lesnoe» gali būti tiek vasarą, tiek žiemą. Medicininis, medicininis pastatas yra atskiras pastatas su modernia įranga, patogiais kambariais ir salėmis, treniruoklių sale ir SPA zona.

 Poilsiaudami sanatorijoje «Lesnoe», galite aplankyti ekskursijas su tokiais gražiais miestais kaip Minskas, Vitebskas, Polockas, memorialinis kompleksas "Khatyn", Berezinskio biosferos rezervatas ir kt.

 «Lesnoe» yra vartotojų lengvatų konkurso „Metų produktas - 2015 ir 2016“ nugalėtojas.

 Ateikite į «Lesnoe» ir praleiskite laiko sveikatai!

 Sanatorijos «Lesnoe» medicininis profilis yra raumenų ir kaulų sistemos bei jungiamojo audinio, kraujotakos sistemos ligų gydymas; nervų sistema; kvėpavimo organai; virškinimo organai; odos ir poodinio audinio.


Sanatorijos "Lesnoye" numeris sudaro 175 lovas, skirtas gyventi 98 kambarių įvairių kategorijų, įskaitant 12 iš jų yra pastate, kuris yra įsikūręs 150 metrų nuo pagrindinio pastato, ir taip pat yra 2 deleguotų namų (namas Forester ir Žvejų namai), kuris siūlomas nuo gegužės iki spalio. Moderniuose kambariuose yra įrengta visa reikalinga ir yra pagaminti klasikinio stiliaus, kuris suteiks svečiams patogų poilsį. Maloniai nustebinti poilsiautojus vaizdas iš sanatorijos langai, į pietus, su vaizdu į mišką, taip pat daugelyje kambarių balkonų buvimą.


Visiems sanatorijos poilsiautojams yra baseinas ir treniruoklių salė su neribotu apsilankymų skaičiumi, neribotais kiekiais taip pat yra unikalus geriamojo mineralinio vandens sanatorijoje «Lesnoye». Sanatorijoje yra kavinė, siūlanti gaivinančią kavą ryte arba atpalaiduojančią vakarą su draugais. Svečiams teikiamos įvairios papildomos paslaugos: biliardas, nuoma, automobilių stovėjimo aikštelė ir t.t. Tie, kurie nori pirkti suvenyrus ar prekes iš Baltarusijos gamybos gali tai padaryti atmintyje nepaliekant sanatorijos. Taip pat sanatorijos teritorijoje yra prekybos vieta, kur poilsiautojus gali nusipirkti sau visus poreikius.


Kiekviename kambaryje, nepriklausomai nuo kategorijos, yra vonios kambarys, televizorius, šaldytuvas, plaukų džiovintuvas, geležies, elektrinis virdulys, lyginimo lenta, drabužių džiovintuvas, indų rinkinys arbatai. Liukso numeriuose yra dušo komplektas ir chalatus.


    Nemokamas bevielis internetas visuose namuose, kambariuose ir pastatuose, taip pat paplūdimyje

    mokėjimas plastikinėmis kortelėmis (Visa, Visa Electron, MasterCard, BelCard)


    Plaukimo baseinas (4 juostos po 25 m, du vaikų baseinai, 2 sūkurinės vonios, kaskados ir 2 povandeniniai masažiniai ginklai)

    pašto paslaugos



    apsaugos postas (24 val.)

    medicinos post (24 val.)

    vaistinės kioskas

    Prekybos rinka


    kavinė (baras)

    biliardo kambarys

    treniruoklių salė

    gatvių treneriai

    sporto salė

    nuomos taškas

    šokių salė

    vasaros šokių aikštelė

    koncertų salė

    Banketų salė (25 žmonėms)


    automobilių stovėjimo aikštelės

    parduotuvė "EUROOPT"

    pavėsinės su kepsniais (kebabams ir žvejybai)


    Rusų pirtis ant medžio

    kempingų ir stovyklaviečių

    medicinos pastatas, įskaitant kosmetologija ir odontologija

    nuomos taškas

    šokių salė

    vasaros šokių aikštelė

    koncertų salė

    Banketų salė (25 žmonėms)


    automobilių stovėjimo aikštelės

    parduotuvė "EUROOPT"

    pavėsinės su kepsniais (kebabams ir žvejybai)


    Rusų pirtis ant medžio

    kempingų ir stovyklaviečių

    medicinos pastatas, įskaitant kosmetologija ir odontologija


Natalya Evstrahchik

Gydytojui -terapeutas, ultragarso diagnostikos gydytojas. 1991 m. Baigė Donecko valstybinį medicinos institutą. Jis turi pirmąją kvalifikacijos kategoriją specialybės „Ultragarso diagnostika“. Ji persikvalifikavo šiomis temomis: "Pilvo organų ultragarsiniai tyrimai, retroperitoninė erdvė, mažas dubens", "Funkcinė diagnostika", "Ultragarso diagnostika". Ji išlaikė šiuos papildomus kursus: „ Pasirinktos kvėpavimo problemos “, „Ūminių ir lėtinių bronchopulmoninės sistemos ligų diagnostika ir gydymas“, „Klinikinė kardiologija“, „Ultragarso Doplerio pilvo ertmės ir retroperitoninės erdvės ligų diagnostika“

Vladimiras Derugo

Baigė Minsko valstybinio medicinos instituto 1985. Jis turi pirmąją kvalifikacinį kategoriją specialybę "odontologija". Jis baigė kvalifikacijos kėlimo kursus: "Fixed dantų protezavimas", "Ligos kietojo audinio dantų. Kariesas, jo komplikacijos ir gydymas "," Žandikaulių srities audinių uždegiminiai procesai "," Nekomplikuotų karieso gydymas "," Ribinio periodontito diagnozė ir gydymas "," Atkuriamasis odontologija "," Estetinė odontologija "," Atkuriamasis odontologija ".

Andrejus Filjanovičius


Baigė medicinos fakultetą Samaros medicinos Institute 1989. Jis buvo perkvalifikuoti į šiuos dalykus: "Dermatologija". "Kosmetologija". Surengti tokie kvalifikacijos kėlimo kursai: "Atrinkti tuberkuliozės klausimai", "Imunologiniai tyrimų metodai", " Šiuolaikinės informacinės technologijos", "Anesteziologija ir intensyvus skubus būklių gydymas", "Diagnostika ir Skubių būklių gydymas vidinių ligų klinikoje "," Aparatūros fizioterapija kosmetologijoje "," Ozono terapija ".


Tatyana Okishor

Baigė Minsko valstybinio medicinos instituto 1974.

  Jis turi pirmą kvalifikacinį kategorijoje specialybės "terapijos" ir "Pediatrija". Ji buvo atlikta perkvalifikavimas į specialybę: "gydymas". Buvo surengti šie kvalifikacijos kėlimo kursai: "Aktualijos valdymo ir organizavimo medicinos ir prevencinės paramos gyventojams", "rinkimų klausimai Pediatrija",

 "Šiuolaikiniai terapijos klausimai", "klinikinė elektrokardiograma ", "klinikinė kardiologija", "planiniai patologijos ir klinikinės farmakologijos klausimai, susiję su vidaus ligomis", "diagnozavimo ir skubios pagalbos būklių gydymo principai klinikoje"

Vidaus ligos "," arterinė hipertenzija "," geriatrinė terapija ir reabilitacija "," kvėpavimo organų ligos "," išeminė širdies liga "," ritmo sutrikimai ir laidumas ".

  Ji buvo apdovanota ženkleliu "puikus Baltarusijos Respublikos sveikatos darbuotojas".

Tatyana Kosacheva

2000 m. baigė Minsko Valstijos medicinos instituto raudonosios vėliavos ordą "medicinos ir profilaktikos versle".

Buvo perkvalifikuota į šiuos dalykus: 2002-"medicinos kosmetologija", 2006-"gydymas", 2008-"greitosios pagalbos", 2016-"refleksoterapija", 2018-"Dermotovenerology".

Aleksandras Praded


Gydytojas reabilitologas, psichoterapeutas. Baigė Minsko valstybinio medicinos instituto 1986. Turi aukščiausią kvalifikacinį kategorijoje specialybės "terapija", pirmoji kategorija specialybės "psichoterapija" ir specialybės "Reabilitologija pirmas". Jis buvo pertvarkytas į šiuos dalykus: "gydymas", "psichoterapija", "fizioterapija", "terapinis fizinis mokymas ir sporto medicina", "reabilitacija ir kompetencija". Jis surengė kvalifikacijos kėlimo kursus: "terapijos klausimai", "atrinktais klausimais psichoterapija". "Parinkti patologijos ir klinikinės farmakologijos klausimai, susiję su vidinėmis ligomis". "Klasikinis masažas, Segmentiniai, terapiniai, vakuumas, medus, Sportas, elementai Akupresūra ir minkštųjų metodų manuinės terapijos suaugusiems ir vaikams", "bioresonance terapija", "diagnostika ir gydymas ligų, vidaus organų", "psichoterapija Praktika "," medicinos reabilitacijos metodai. Terapinė fizinė kultūra, masažas, hidrokineziterapija, Ergoterapija, simuliatoriai "," sveikatos vadybos sistema "," medicininis ir socialinis tyrimas ir reabilitacija pagrindinėje išjungimo patologiją "," medicininė reabilitacija pacientų, sergančių Neįgalieji "," Conflictology "," psichoterapijos pagrindai "," kitų priklausomybių formų klinika ir psichoterapija "," psichinės traumos psichoterapija "," kineziterapijos ypatumai asmenims su ribotu varikliu Daugiau galimybių. "

Anna Danilovich

Gydytojui -terapeutas. 1979, baigė Vitebsko valstybinis medicinos institutas su "medicinos verslo" laipsnį. Kvalifikacija-daktaras. Surengti šie kvalifikacijos kėlimo kursai: 1987g. -Vitebsko medicinos institutas, tema "pasirinkti gydymo klausimai"; 1993-Vladivostokas medicinos institutas, tema "pasirinktų klausimų gydymo"; 2000-Baltarusijos medicinos akademijos Pouniversitetinės švietimo, tema "valdymo ir ekonomikos sveikatos klausimai rinkos sąlygomis"; 2006-Baltarusijos medicinos akademijos antrosios pakopos švietimo, programos "valdymo ypatumus, ekonomikos ir finansų sveikatos priežiūros šiuolaikinėmis sąlygomis"; 2011-Baltarusijos medicinos akademijos antrosios pakopos švietimo, programa "medicinos etika ir deontologija". 2002. priskiriama 2 kategorijos kvalifikacijai, kvalifikacija "gydytojas-sveikatos priežiūros organizatorius".


Nadezhda Shiray

Fizinė terapeutas

2009 ji baigė Vitebsko valstybinis medicinos universitetas kryptys "terapeutas".

 2015 m. buvo perkvalifikuoti specialybę: "fizioterapija" ir kvalifikacijos kėlimo kursai: "fizioterapija kosmetologijoje ir SPA technologijose", "Gastroenterologinių ligų diagnostika ir gydymas, remiantis dešimtadalis Tarptautinės statistinės klasifikacijos perskaičiavimas. ", taip pat išlaikė stažuotę Darbo vieta endokrinologijoje.


Atsiskaitymams skirtų medicininių dokumentų sąrašas

- Svečiai, norintys gauti kelionės kvitą su gydymu, taip pat kuponu, be gydymo, bet vis tiek pageidaujantis už papildomą mokestį atlikti medicinines procedūras, reikalingi šie medicininiai dokumentai:

Fluorografiją, Elektrokardiograma, Medicinos pažyma apie sveikatos būklę arba išrašą iš medicininių dokumentų, kai prireikia Sanatorinio gydymo ar sanatorinės kortelės; Gydytojo nuomonė-ginekologas (moterims); Mainų kortelė (nėščiosioms); Psichiatrijos gydytojo nuomonė, jei praeityje buvo psichikos sutrikimų; Vaikams-su infekcine pacientės nebuvimo liudijimo buvimas.

- Esant sergamoms ligoms (urologijai, odai, kraujui, akims ir kt.), Medicinos pažymėjime nurodoma atitinkamų medicinos specialistų išvada.

- Poilsiautojus sanatorijoje "Lesnoye" siūloma išduoti kortelę sanatorijos už mokestį, ir turėtų turėti nuomonę dėl rentgeno tyrimas ir Ginekologinės išvados (moterims).

- Poilsiautojai, atvykstantys į savaitgalio turą (apsistojantys iki 6 dienų) turėtų turėti:

fluorografija (mažiau nei 1 metai nuo laikymo dienos iki atvykimo dienos); medicininį sveikatos pažymėjimą arba medicininių dokumentų išrašą su išvada apie galimybę aplankyti baseiną; vaikams - liudijimas, kad nėra kontaktų su infekciniais pacientais.


Vieno reiso išlaidas, naudojant viešąjį perdavimą sanatorijos "Lesnoye" į laisvą automobilių (įskaitant ekskursijų organizavimas) vienam asmeniui, nepriklausomai nuo transporto priemonių modelio ir iškrovimo skaičius Vietos jame tokio dydžio:

        40,00 Baltarusijos rublių (apie 17 eurų) kelionėms į/iš Vitebsko;

        35,00 Baltarusijos rublių (apie 15 eurų) kelionėms į/iš Polatsk ir Dudduki;

        30,00 Baltarusijos rublių (apie 13 eurų) kelionėms į/iš Minskas, Minsk-2 oro uostas;

        20,00 Baltarusijos rublių (apie 9 eurų) kelionėms į ir iš Dokshtsy, Berezinsky Reserve ir Khatyn miesto;

        15,00 Baltarusijos rublių (apie 6.50 eurų) kelionėms į/iš BEGOML (išskyrus nemokamai vežami į 10,00 val. išvykimo poilsiautojų ir vežami valiutos keitimo antradieniais ir ketvirtadieniais ne 15,00 val).

        Mieli svečiai!


Sanatorija "Lesnoye" siūlo svečiams, atvykstantiems pailsėti, nemokamai perkelti iš autobusų stoties į Begoml kaimą į sanatoriją "Lesnoye". Išvykimas yra atliekamas iš autobusų stoties į kaimą begoml (nuo iškrovimo vietos autobusuose į kaimą Domokovichi-platforma Nr. 1) 10,30 val. automobilių sanatorija "Lesnoye". Perkėlimas vykdomas dalyvaujant preliminariam, suderintam su rinkodaros skyriumi, paraiškomis. Automobilis priklausys nuo paraiškų skaičius.

Individualus pervežimas iš Minsko ir Vitebsko


Transporto būdas

Vietų skaičius

Maršrutas-automobilio kaina

Oro uostas Minskas-2

Geležinkelio stotis, Minskas

Geležinkelio stotis, Vitebsko

Volkswagen Transporter


167,55 BYN

(apie 72 eurų)

127,07 BYN

(apie 54 eurų)

255,64 BYN

(apie 109 eurų)

Lada Largus


164,47 BYN

(apie 70 eurų)

122,12 BYN

(apie 52 eurų)

208,96 BYN

(apie 89 eurų)

Geely SC7


119,29 BYN

(apie 51 eurų)

101,65 BYN

(apie 15 eurų)

173,70 BYN

(apie 75.50 eurų)




166,03 BYN

(apie 43 eurų)


Volkswagen Crafter


226,35 BYN

(apie 97 eurų)

210,32 BYN

(apie 90 eurų)



Keliaukite visuomeniniu transportu į sanatoriją “Lesnoye”

Dėmesio: nurodykite bilietų kasoje ar vairuotojui - eismas turėtų vykti per Zamostoczhye kaimą (Dokšycy rajonas, 10 km nuo Begomo kaimo)!

Iš Minsko:

     Nuo „Central“ autobusų stoties autobusu arba autobusu į Zamostochie kaimą (maršrutas Minskas-Vitebskas, Minskas-Polockas, Minskas-Lepelis).

    Nuo geležinkelio stoties "Minskas - keleivis" - pereikite į "Central" autobusų stotį, tada - žr. 1 skyrių.

    Iš nacionalinio oro uosto - taksi atvykstate į autobusų stotį „Central“ arba geležinkelio stotį „Minsk-Passenger“, tada - žr. Atitinkamai 1 skirsnio 2 skirsnį.

 Iš Vitebsko:

     autobusu ar taksi (8 kartus per dieną nuo 5.15 iki 18.30) Minsko link Zamostochye (maršrutas Vitebskas-Minskas).

 Norėdami gauti daugiau informacijos, skambinkite:

 Rinkodaros skyrius: +375 29 136 36 36, +371 2157 55555, + 375 2157 37785,

+375 2157 37816 - (nuo pirmadienio iki penktadienio nuo 8.00 iki 13.00 val., Nuo 14.00 iki 17.00 val.);

 Darbo pareigūnas: +375 2157 37969 - 24 val.

Keliaukite asmeniniu transportu į sanatoriją “Lesnoye”

Minskas-sanatorija "Leskoye":ant greitkelio m3 (Minskas-Vitebsk) į rodyklę į kaimą zamostochje (nepasiekia Begoml kaime) į dešinę, pagal ženklus sanatorijos "Leskoye" per kaimą Zamostochje, kaimas Lustichi, kaimas Domakovichi

    Polatsk-sanatorija "Lesnoye": ant greitkelio Р 46 (Lepel-Polatsk-Rusijos siena (Yukhovichi)) prieš kertant maršrutą m3 (Minskas-Vitebskas); Į dešinę, ant plento m3 (Minskas-Vitebskas) į žymeklį į kaimą Zamototje (po kaime Begoml);

    Vitebskas-sanatorija "leska": ant plento m3 (Minskas-Vitebskas) į rodyklę į kaimą Zamototje (po kaime Begoml)

Nemokamas pervežimas į Sanatorijos "Leskoye" iš Zamostochye kaimo

Skambučių perkėlimas į Zamostochie kaimą turi vykti iš autobusų stotelės, esančios šalia Baltarusijos pašto pastato.

 Jei norite paskambinti palydovui, turite iš savo mobiliojo telefono surinkti palydovo numerį:

 8-10-375-2157-37-969 arba + 375-2157-37-969 arba + 375-44-501-35-34

 pasakykite mums savo vardą ir pavardę ir kiek žmonių laukia perdavimo.

Kurorto mokestis

Atvykę į sanatoriją, Klientai sumoka kurorto mokestį, kurio suma yra 5% nuo kvito kainos. Kurorto mokestis mokamas Baltarusijos rublių.





Užsienio piliečių medicininis draudimas

Norėdami gauti įvažiavimo vizą ir kirsti valstybės sieną Baltarusijos Respublikos užsienio pilietis privalo turėti užsienio šalies draudimo polisą, kuris atitinka tam tikrus reikalavimus arba sudaro sutartį dėl medicinos Draudimas su Baltarusijos draudimo bendrovės kontrolės punktuose.


Nesant draudimo liudijimo (draudimo kortelės) ir atsisakant sudaryti sutartį dėl privalomojo sveikatos draudimo per valstybės sieną Baltarusijos Respublikoje, užsienio piliečiui gali būti neleista atvykti į Baltarusija.


Atkreipkite dėmesį, kad, norint atlikti administracines laikinojo leidimo gyventi arba laikino gyvenimo Baltarusijos Respublikoje išdavimo procedūras, su užsienio draudimo organizacija sudaryta sveikatos draudimo sutartis turi Vertimas į baltarusiško arba rusų kalbą.

Kriterijai, kuriuos turi atitikti sveikatos draudimo sutartis:


    jame turi būti užsienio draudimo organizacijos pavadinimas ir nuoroda apie jo vietą, užsienio draudimo organizacijos ar tarptautinės pagalbos, taip pat užsienio piliečio pavardę, savo vardą, Tėvavardis (jei yra);

    Plėsti savo veiklą į Baltarusijos Respublikos teritoriją;

    imtis veiksmų per užsienio piliečio laikino buvimo arba laikinos gyvenamosios vietos Baltarusijos Respublikoje laikotarpį;

    Pateikite draudimo sumą ne mažiau kaip 10000 eurų.


Sveikatos draudimo sutarties prieinamumą gali patvirtinti draudimo polisas, draudimo kortelė arba kitas dokumentas, kuriame pateikiama informacija apie sveikatos draudimo sutartį. Patikrinimas, ar yra sveikatos draudimo sutartis užsienio piliečiams, kuris atitinka nustatytus kriterijus, yra atliekamas išduodant vizas, ir užsienio piliečiams, kuriems leidžiama bevizio įvažiavimo pasienio kontrolės postuose per valstybės Baltarusijos Respublikos sienos.


Užsienio piliečio pasienyje turi būti nurodyta draudimo poliso ar draudimo kortelės:


    Užsienio piliečio pavardė, vardas, Tėvavardis (jei yra), vienoje draudimo politikoje galima nurodyti kelis apdraustuosius užsienio piliečius, kurie kartu patenka į Baltarusijos Respubliką arba į draudimo polisą, gali būti Pridėtas apdraustų užsienio piliečių, kuriems taikoma sveikatos draudimo sutartis, sąrašas;

    Sveikatos draudimo sutarties trukmė (gali būti nurodyta draudimo pradžia ir pabaiga);

    Veiklos teritorija – Baltarusijos Respublika arba visas pasaulis.


Draudimo kortelės nenurodant draudimo sumos yra priimamos su veiksmų teritorijoje visame pasaulyje.

Sveikatos draudimo sutarties trukmės reikalavimai išduodant ilgalaikę atvykimo vizą užsienio piliečiams (nuoroda):

    Užsienio piliečio pavardė, vardas, Tėvavardis (jei yra), vienoje draudimo politikoje galima nurodyti kelis apdraustuosius užsienio piliečius, kurie kartu patenka į Baltarusijos Respubliką arba į draudimo polisą, gali būti Pridėtas apdraustų užsienio piliečių, kuriems taikoma sveikatos draudimo sutartis, sąrašas;

    Medicininio draudimo sutartis turi galioti užsienio piliečio laikino buvimo arba laikinos gyvenamosios vietos Baltarusijos Respublikoje laikotarpiu.

    Užsienio pilietis, pakartotinai apsilankęs Baltarusijos Respublikoje, turi teisę sudaryti kiekvienos kelionės sveikatos draudimo sutartį. Taip pat galima išduoti ilgalaikę vizą užsienio piliečiams, jei jie turi medicininio draudimo sutartį dėl pirmosios kelionės.

 Asmenų, kuriems netaikomas privalomasis medicininis draudimas, sąrašas

 Asmenų, kuriems netaikomas privalomasis sveikatos draudimas, sąrašas yra apibrėžtas draudimo veiklos nuostatų 237 punkte. Visų pirma, remiantis dešimtosios ir vienuoliktosios 237 dalies pastraipomis, privalomasis sveikatos draudimas netaikomas:

     Valstybių piliečiai, kuriems galioja tarptautinės sutartys, reglamentuojančios nemokamos greitosios pagalbos ir skubios medicininės pagalbos teikimą;

    Valstybių, kurios yra nepriklausomų valstybių sandraugos narės, piliečiai, kuriems skubios medicininės pagalbos teikimas yra nemokamas pagal susitarimą dėl medicininės pagalbos Britanijos Tautų Sandraugos valstybių piliečiams 1997 m. kovo 27 d. Maskvoje pasirašytos nepriklausomos valstybės (Armėnijos Respublikos piliečiai, Kazachstano Respublika, Kirgizijos Respublika, Moldovos Respublika, Tadžikistano Respublika, Uzbekistano Respublika, Ukraina);

     Rusijos Federacijos piliečiai, vadovaudamiesi Baltarusijos Respublikos Vyriausybės ir Rusijos Federacijos Vyriausybės susitarimu dėl medicininės priežiūros teikimo piliečiams Rusijos Federacijoje procedūros Federacija ir Rusijos Federacijos gyventojai Baltarusijos Respublikos sveikatos priežiūros institucijose sausio 24, 2006;

     Jungtinės Didžiosios Britanijos ir Šiaurės Airijos Karalystės piliečiai pagal susitarimą tarp Tarybų Socialistinių Respublikų Sąjungos vyriausybės ir Jungtinės Didžiosios Britanijos ir Šiaurės Airijos Karalystės vyriausybės dėl Bendradarbiavimas medicinos mokslo ir sveikatos srityje nuo 1975 vasario 17 d.;

     Turkmėnistano piliečiai pagal Baltarusijos Respublikos Vyriausybės ir Turkmėnistano vyriausybės memorandumą dėl bendradarbiavimo sveikatos priežiūros, medicinos (farmacijos) mokslo, švietimo ir medicininės priežiūros paslaugų srityje Baltarusijos ir Turkmėnistano Respublikos piliečiai.

Darbo valandos baseinas ir saunos

Kasdien nuo 08,00 iki 19,00-nemokama prieiga prie baseino, Neribotas laikas

ir neribotą apsilankymų skaičių (nesant medicininių kontraindikacijų);


Pirmadieniais, trečiadieniais, penktadieniais ir šeštadieniais nuo 16,00 iki 19,00 – galimybė nemokamai naudotis baseinu su suomiška pirtimi (nesant medicininių kontraindikacijų).


Tuo prašymu poilsiautojus galite aplankyti suomišką pirtis individualiai naudoti (su baseinu) išlaidos

16,0 Baltarusijos rublių per valandą (išskyrus tam tikrą laiką teikiant suomišką sauną bendram naudojimui).


Sanitarinės dienos baseline:

  • 29.01.2019
  • 26.02.2019
  • 26.03.2019
  • 30.04.2019
  • 28.05.2019
  • 25.06.2019
  • 30.07.2019
  • 27.08.2019
  • 24.09.2019
  • 29.10.2019
  • 26.11.2019
  • 31.12.2019

Naudingos nuorodos

Keleivinių traukinių tvarkaraštis-http://poezd.RW.by

 Autobusų tvarkaraštis tarptautinių ir tarpmiestinių maršrutų-http://www.transtekhnika.by/raspisanie/

 Nacionalinio oro uosto "Minsk-2" skrydžio grafikas yra http://www.airport.by/.

Automobilių stovėjimo aikštelė

Institucijos teritorijoje yra 2 mokamos automobilių stovėjimo aikštelės:


    Netoli pagrindinio pastato 5,0 BYN (apie 2 eurų) per dieną

    Prie įėjimo No 1 - 3.0 BYN (apie 1.20 eurų) per dieną


Negalima rezervuoti vietos automobiliui iš anksto. Už vietą automobiliui galima atsiskaityti registratūroje.

Public contract (Offer)

Public contract (Offer)

Approved by order of the head of the institution - the chief physician number 33 of 03/26/2018

Public contract (Offer)

The Lesnoye sanatorium

This public contract (offer) defines the procedure for rendering services for organizing sanatorium-resort treatment and rehabilitation at the State Institution Lesnoye Sanatorium of the State Security Committee of the Republic of Belarus between the State Lesnoye Sanatorium of the State Security Committee of the Republic of Belarus, hereinafter referred to as «Contractor», represented by the head of the institution - the chief doctor Apalkov Sergey Nikolaevich, acting on the basis of the Charter, on the one hand, and the consumer of services, hereinafter referred to as the «Customer» and / or «Customer / Client», who accepted the public contract (offer) to conclude this public contract (offer), on the other hand, jointly referred to as the «Parties».

1. Subject of the contract

1.1. The Contractor undertakes to provide services for the organization of sanatorium-resort treatment and rehabilitation (hereinafter - services) at the State Institution The Lesnoye Sanatorium of the State Security Committee of the Republic of Belarus (hereinafter referred to as the Sanatorium) in accordance with the conditions stipulated by this contract and annexes 1 and 2 2, which are an integral part of the contract, and the Customer / Client undertakes to pay for services in accordance with annexes No. 1, 2. The client is the direct recipient of services in the Sanatorium.

2. Rights and Obligations of the parties

2.1. The contractor is obliged to: organize sanatorium-resort treatment and rehabilitation, as well as cultural and entertainment events, provide diet food, additional services that are not included in the sanatorium-resort package price, for an additional fee; provide full information about the rules of stay in the Sanatorium; familiarize with the program of cultural events and ensure their implementation, with a list of medical services; familiarize with the list of services included in the price of the permit, as well as the price list for additional services.

2.2. The Contractor has the right: if there are circumstances beyond the control of the Contractor (arrival outside the planned arrival schedule, etc.), to change the living and (or) other conditions of stay in the Sanatorium of the Clients specified in annex No. 1 to the contract. THESE CIRCUMSTANCES ARE NOT A BASIS FOR THE SUBMISSION OF CLAIMS TO THE EXECUTOR. If it is impossible to organize a stay in the Sanatorium in accordance with the stated wishes of the Customer / Client, the Contractor has the right to offer alternative conditions, if any; in case of a no-show of the Client / Clients within 24 hours from the beginning of the check-in hour specified in annex No. 1, without prior notice and agreement with the Contractor, the places ordered are canceled. Subsequent arrival is possible only in agreement with the Contractor; in case of gross violation of the rules of stay in the Sanatorium, late or incomplete payment for vouchers and other services and / or failure to comply with the requirements of the administration and doctor’s appointments, disrespect to the staff of the Sanatorium, the Contractor shall have the right to terminate the contract unilaterally with the eviction of the Client without refund of the cost of the remaining days of stay.

2.3. Obligations of the Customer / Client: pay the Contractor the full cost of services in accordance with annex No. 1 to this contract; pay the resort fee in the amount of up to 5% of the total cost of the voucher and / or other services to the cashier of the Sanatorium in Belarusian rubles; comply with the rules of stay in the Sanatorium in accordance with annex No. 2 to this contract, observe the rules of personal safety and the safety of personal property during stay in the Sanatorium, when entering the Sanatorium, you should have a passport, medical report of health status, determining the need for sanatorium-resort treatment (or sanatorium-resort card) not older than six months, for children - a passport or birth certificate, a certificate of the absence of contact with infectious patients. In the absence of a sanatorium card, undergo a medical examination at the Sanatorium for an additional fee; follow the recommendations of medical personnel; in the event of the Customer / Client causing material damage to reimburse it to the Contractor during the period of the Client’s stay in the Sanatorium; when leaving the room, pass it in proper condition according to the notes on discharge, located at the end of the sanatorium card or registration sheet for the weekend tour; if the Customer / Client doesn’t release the room before the estimated check-out time of the last day by the voucher or arrive at the Sanatorium earlier than the due date, the Customer / Client is obligated to pay for this accommodation in the room according to the current price list.

2.4. The customer / client has the right to: rely on safe conditions of stay, protection of consumer rights, obtaining emergency medical care; get reliable information about the rules of stay, cultural and entertainment events, meals, a list of medical services, as well as the cost of additional services.

3. Cost of services. Settlement procedure

3.1. The cost of providing services under this contract is determined in annex No. 1.

3.1.1. Payment for vouchers for non-residents of the Republic of Belarus not from the territory of the Republic of Belarus can be made in Russian rubles, euros or US dollars (including at the rate of the National Bank of the Republic of Belarus on the day of payment, if the cost in annex No. 1 is in Belarusian rubles).

3.2. The cost of services includes food, accommodation, medical services as prescribed by a doctor (if a voucher with medical treatment is paid for), cultural and entertainment events (music evenings, film shows, discos).

3.3. The Customer / Client undertakes to make a preliminary partial payment of the cost of the voucher (vouchers) within 10 banking days, calculated from the day following the day the Contractor  sends  annex No. 1 to the Customer / Client by fax or e-mail, or from the day the invoice is received in the following amount: 100 (one hundred) Belarusian rubles for each ticket purchased (for residents of the Republic of Belarus); 5,000 (five thousand) Russian rubles for each ticket purchased (for non-residents of the Republic of Belarus - citizens of the Russian Federation); 100 (one hundred) US dollars or euros for each ticket purchased (for other non-residents of the Republic of Belarus).

3.4. Services are considered reserved from the moment the Contractor receives the advance payment, according to annex No. 1.

3.5. The remaining amount of funds is paid by the Customer / Client by transferring funds to the Contractor’s current account or by depositing Belarusian rubles to the Contractor’s cash desk. The amount paid by the Customer / Client in the implementation of the preliminary partial payment of the cost of vouchers (vouchers) will be counted in the cost of vouchers (vouchers) in the implementation of the final settlement. In case of late payment, the reserved rooms are canceled. Within 3 working days after payment, the Customer / Client is obliged to provide the Contractor with a copy of the payment document (by fax or e-mail) and receive a confirmation (by e-mail or phone) that the payment has been received to the account of the Contractor.

3.6. A full and unconditional acceptance of the terms of this public contract (offer) is considered to be a receipt from the Customer / Client of a payment as payment (full or partial) of vouchers to the cashier or the settlement account of the Contractor, which is specified in Chapter 8 of this agreement. The full bank details of the Contractor are available on the website: www.sanlesnoe.by.

3.7. In case of cancellation of voucher (vouchers) less than 14 days before the date of arrival or when no-show, the cost of one night stay with each voucher is deducted from the paid amount, according to the cost specified in annex No. 1. The date of refusal of the voucher (vouchers) is the date of dispatch by the Customer / Client of the corresponding application to the Contractor by fax or e-mail. Refunds are made at the expense of the Customer / Client to the person who made the payment (based on his application).

3.8. Refunds for unused days on the voucher are made only in case of early departure of the Client for valid reasons. Good reasons include: the death of a close relative (parents, children, spouse, sibling), if there is documentary evidence; the impossibility of being in the Sanatorium due to the state of health of the Client, family members or their minor children who arrived with them (if there is documentary evidence). In this case, a refund is made on the voucher of the sick person and, in the case of illness of a minor, on the voucher of one of his parents (or an adult relative). Refunds are made at the expense of the Customer / Client to the person who made the payment (based on his application). From each voucher, the cost of one night stay is additionally charged from the amount paid, according to the cost specified in annex No. 1.

3.9. The final calculation of the cost of vouchers is carried out according to the price lists valid on the date of arrival. In the case of an increase in the cost of vouchers on the date of arrival, vouchers paid in the amount of 100% according to the cost of vouchers specified in annex No. 1  within 10 banking days, calculated from the day following the day the Contractor sent the annex No. 1 to the Customer / Client by fax or e-mail, or from the date of receipt of the bill on hand, are not subject to recalculation.By reducing the cost of vouchers at the date of arrival compared to the original price specified in annex No. 1, the difference in the cost of paid vouchers can be used during the period of vouchers for medical or other services as agreed with the administration of the Sanatorium.

3.10. For international banking operations for the return of funds from the Customer / Client is withheld: 700 Russian rubles for each from citizens of the Russian Federation; not less than 30 US dollars (or equivalent of this amount) from other foreign citizens who have paid for vouchers in US dollars or Euros.

3.11. Discounts for vouchers valid in the Sanatorium may be provided to the Customer / Client (upon presentation of originals of supporting documents entitling them to a discount) in accordance with the provisions and orders for discounts (shares) approved by the Sanatorium.

3.12. The customer / client is fully responsible for minor children who come with him or she.

3.13. For unused due to the fault of the Customer / Client procedures, no refund is made.

3.14. If changes are made to annex No. 1, the modified annex No. 1 is issued with the mark “Appendix No. 1“ Account No. ______ from “__” ______ 201__ ”considered invalid” in the “Additional Information” column, on the basis of which the Customer / Client makes an additional payment for services or the Contractor shall return the money unduly deposited, taking into account clauses 3.7. – 3.10. actual agreement.

3.15. The official source of information about the Sanatorium is the Sanatorium website (www.sanlesnoe.by).

4. Additional terms

4.1. Disputes on the execution of the contract are resolved through negotiations, and in case of not reaching an agreement, are considered in court at the location of the Contractor. Claims shall be submitted to the Contractor in writing with a justification of the requirements and other relevant documents within 10 days from the date of departure of the Client. Claims received from the Customer / Client are subject to review within 15 days from the date of its receipt in writing.

4.2. In all other respects that are not stipulated by this agreement, the parties are guided by the legislation of the Republic of Belarus.

4.3. All facsimile and electronic documents sent to each of the parties are legally binding.

5. Responsibilities of the parties

5.1. For non-fulfillment or improper fulfillment of obligations under this agreement, the parties are liable under the legislation of the Republic of Belarus.

5.2. The Contractor shall not be liable in the event of non-fulfillment or improper performance of services on its part, arising due to inaccuracy, insufficiency or untimely confirming information and (or) documents provided by the Customer, as well as resulting from other violations of the terms of this offer by the Customer.

5.3. The Contractor shall not be liable for the non-compliance of the provided service with the Customer’s expectations and its subjective assessment.

5.4. In case of loss by the Customer or damage to the property of the Contractor, caused by careless use, the Customer / Client shall reimburse the cost of the damage in current prices at the Sanatorium.

6. Force Majeure

6.1. The parties are not liable to each other for complete or partial failure to fulfill obligations under this agreement, if this failure is caused by force majeure (natural disasters, military actions, changes in legislation). The party referring to such circumstances is obliged to inform the other party no later than 2 days from the moment of their occurrence. Failure to notify or late notification of the occurrence of these circumstances deprives the party of the right to refer to them.

6.2. Upon termination of obligations under this contract due to the occurrence of force majeure circumstances, the Contractor shall return to the Customer the cost (part of the cost) of the voucher, minus the expenses actually incurred by the Contractor, documented.

7. Final clauses and contract duration

7.1. This contract is considered to be concluded from the moment the funds paid by the Customer / Client to the prepayment of the services ordered by him on the basis of annex No. 1 are received by the Contractor’s current account and are valid until the Parties fulfill their obligations.

          Terms of the contract are binding. Inattentive familiarization with the contract does not relieve the Customer / Client from fulfilling the terms of the contract.

8. Legal and bank details of the Contractor:

State Institution "The Lesnoye Sanatorium"of the State Security Committee of the Republic of Belarus"

Unique Payer Number 300325320

211741, Republic of Belarus, Vitebsk region, Dokshytsky district, Begomlsky village council, Domashkovichi village, the Lesnoe Sanatorium, 4

Bank account for Belarusian rubles BY51AKBB36329000443262300000,

Bank account for Russian rubles BY35AKBB36329004432042300000,

Bank account for USD BY86AKBB36329004432202300000,

Bank account for Euro BY84AKBB36329004432462300000

in the center of banking services No. 209 of the branch No. 216 of JSC ASB Belarusbank in the town of Dokshitsy, 211720, Vitebsk Region, the town of Dokshitsy,  Leninskaya street, 11, BIC Bank AKBBBY21216, Unique Payer Number of the Bank 300230580,

Tel / Fax: 8-10-375-2157-37785,

Tel .: 8-10-375-2157-37816, 8-10-375-2157-55555, 8-10-375-29-136-36-36 (Vel, Viber. WhatsApp), 8-10-375- 29-527-27-27 (MTS) 8-10-375-2157-37-969 (duty officer) 8-10-375-44-501-35-34 (duty officer, Vel)

skype: sanlesnoe

website: www.sanlesnoe.by

e-mail: mail@sanlesnoe.by and sanlesnoe@mail.ru

Rules of residence and internal regulations

                           Rules of residence and internal regulations

Annex № 2

to the public contract (offer)

Approved by order of the head of the institution - the chief physician number 33 of 03/26/2018



1.1. Rules of stay are developed in accordance with the current legislation of the Republic of Belarus and local regulations.

1.2. These Rules of stay determine:

The rules for stay on the territory of the state institution “The Lesnoye Sanatorium” of the State Security Committee of the Republic of Belarus” (hereinafter - Sanatorium) for vacationers and guests, the procedure for using public places and places to stay;

access control and the procedure for placing a vehicle on the territory of the Sanatorium;

fire safety requirements;

rights and responsibilities of administration, vacationers and guests.

1.3. For the purposes of this rules of residence, the following concepts are used:

vacationer - a person living in a sanatorium for any of the types of vouchers;

guest - a person who is on the territory of the Sanatorium, but does not live in it and is not its employee;

voucher - a form of strict accountability certifying the right of vacationers to receive a range of services in sanatorium-resort and recreational organizations;

public places - any premises, facilities and territories where people can stay (except for places of personal use and rooms, as well as office space, access to which is allowed only to a certain circle of personnel), including places intended for active recreation and the provision of appropriate paid and free services: sports grounds indoor and outdoor, swimming pools, saunas, beach complex, pier, places for fishing, places and catering and trade, lounges in buildings and rooms adjacent to them, billiard room, library, equipment rental, cinema-concert (assembly) hall, conference room, open-air playgrounds, parking places, forest park area, car parks, etc. Public places are equipped with stationary equipment in accordance with their specialization and purpose;

place of residence - the room where the person rests, and the territory where the tents and caravans are located;

rest - stay on the territory of the Sanatorium of guests and vacationers outside the places for treatment and accommodation (rooms), not related to the performance of any work;

administration - Sanatorium officials performing their duties in accordance with the Sanatorium Charter, its staffing, functional and official duties.



2.1. Mode of operation of administrators of the Sanatorium: from 8.00 to 13.00 and from 14.00 to 17.00 daily.

2.2. When placed in rooms of residential buildings for all types of vouchers check-in is from 12.00 on the day of arrival, check-out is until 10.00 on the day of departure (payment is made for each day of stay). For accommodation in tents and caravans on the territory of the Sanatorium the check-in time is set from 00.00 on the day of arrival, check-out is until 24.00 on the day of departure (payment is made for each day of stay).

2.3. In case of early arrival at the Sanatorium, guests for an additional fee are given the opportunity to stay at the Sanatorium (subject to availability and prior approval of early arrival) according to the price lists valid at the Sanatorium on the day of payment.

2.4. In the case of extension of stay in the Sanatorium after 10-00 on the day of departure, the opportunity to extend the stay in the Sanatorium is available for an additional fee according to the price lists valid in the Sanatorium on the day of payment.

2.5. When settling in the sanatorium, a holiday fee is charged from vacationers (according to the Decision of the Dokshitsky District Council of Deputies that is in force at the date of arrival).

2.6. Persons arriving at the Sanatorium are issued in accordance with these Rules of stay. Registration of the permit on the vacationer is made only after full payment. Forms of payment for vouchers are cash and cashless payments. Payment is made in accordance with the approved price lists (discounts for vouchers are provided in accordance with the current Regulation on discounts, orders and other regulations of the Sanatorium).

2.7. The order of reception and accommodation of vacationers

2.7.1. All holidaymakers arriving at the Sanatorium must present to the administrator (or his substitute):

passport or birth certificate (for persons under the age of 14);

proof of payment (for individuals);

a power of attorney and a payment order (for obtaining a voucher at a sanatorium) of a fixed pattern (for legal entities);

booking sheet or voucher (from a travel agency).

2.7.2. После предоставления администратору санатория всех документов, необходимых для расселения в соответствии с настоящими Правилами пребывания, администратор выдает санаторий-книжку или список для регистрации на тур выходного дня и ключи от номера.

2.7.3. Vacationer is guaranteed to be provided selected and pre-paid category of room / place in the room (including - with prior booking through travel agencies). In case of payment of vouchers upon arrival at the Sanatorium, the Sanatorium administration reserves the right to change the categories of accommodation, terms of arrival / departure and stay in the Sanatorium.

2.7.4. In accordance with the category of the room specified in the annex to the contract, the vacationer is provided with a place of residence, complete with necessary household items and daily use items. Items that are not included in the package are issued to travelers on their application on a rolling basis, for a fee, according to the current price list.

2.7.5. The administration establishes the list, procedure, tariffs and frequency of providing mandatory and additional services provided to vacationers and guests. Additional services may be installed by the administration for a fee. Information about the list and tariffs is on the information stands of the main and medical buildings, as well as on the official website of the Sanatorium.

2.7.6. Persons who are under the influence of alcohol or drugs are not accepted at the Sanatorium, in case of disagreement on this issue, a medical examination can be carried out in accordance with the procedure established by law.

2.7.7. Children can be taken to the sanatorium in the absence of medical contraindications. The cost of living for children is determined on the basis of the current price list. Children in the Sanatorium are accepted only when accompanied by parents, guardians or other legal representatives, or accompanied by other persons upon application from the legal representatives of the child, notarized. Parents (persons replacing them) bear full personal responsibility for accompanying children during the entire period of stay in the Sanatorium.

2.8.2. Vacationers arriving at the sanatorium with sanatorium-resort and recreational vouchers, additionally present an extract from the medical documents on the state of health (sanatorium-resort card), not more than six months old. In the absence of these documents, the traveler must be examined for a fee. The mandatory examination for a fee includes: complete blood count, urinalysis, electrocardiogram, therapist consultation. In case of refusal to undergo compulsory examination, procedures are appointed only after recording in the medical history of the refusal with a personal signature of the vacationer. The refusal of the vacationer to undergo compulsory examination is the basis for the administration's refusal of responsibility in the event of a claim or the occurrence of negative consequences caused by the use of medical procedures.

2.8.3. Pregnant women should have an exchange card in addition to an extract from medical records (health and resort card), and juvenile vacationers should have a certificate of absence of contact with persons suffering from infectious diseases. In the absence of the above documents, children are examined by a doctor, who decides on the possibility of visiting public places.

Children up to the age of 14 will receive a wellness package (without treatment).

Treatment may be prescribed in addition to the doctor if indicated on a paid basis.

2.9. The order of check-out of vacationer.

2.9.1. When leaving, the vacationer is obliged to hand in the room to the nurse of the ward (maid), who in his presence checks the completeness of the number, the operability of household equipment, which is noted in the sanatorium book or the registration sheet for the weekend tour.

2.9.2. If the nurse of the ward (maid) has determined that there are damages in the room or shortage of equipment or items that are included in the room, the vacationer must compensate for their cost. The procedure for compensation is regulated by the concluded agreement, current legislation and local regulatory acts.

2.9.3. The vacationer presents to the administrator a sanatorium-book with a note of the attending physician, a ward nurse (maid) and a librarian, hands over the key to the administrator. If the administration does not have information about the existing service debts, the room is considered accepted.

2.9.4. In case of early departure or temporary departure, the vacationer is obliged to notify the administrator with an indication of the reasons. In case of early departure on the initiative of the vacationer, the cost of the days paid for the voucher is non-refundable, except when leaving the Sanatorium for a good reason according to the contract in force, when supporting documents are submitted to the Sanatorium administration within 10 (ten) working days from the moment a good reason arises.

2.9.5. At the end of the voucher, before leaving the Sanatorium, the vacationer receives, upon request for his hands, a detachable return voucher of the sanatorium and resort vouchers and / or a certificate of stay in the Sanatorium.




3.1. The following day mode is set in the Sanatorium:

rise at 7.30;

morning gymnastics at 8.10-8.30;

breakfast at 09.00-10.00;

medical procedures at 8.00-19.00;

medical receptions at 8.00-13.00 and 14.00-17.00 (Monday - Saturday);

lunch at 13.00-15.00;

quiet hour at 15.00-17.00;

dinner at 18.00-19.00;

cultural events at 11.00-13.00, 15.00-16.00, 19.30-23.00;

lights out at 23.00.


3.2. Terms of use of public places.

3.2.1. Administration of the Sanatorium ensures the availability of public places (facilities) for vacationers and guests in accordance with the provisions (orders) of the Sanatorium regulating the activities of facilities.


3.2.2. The general rules of stay are as follows:

the use of arbors, barbecues, rental equipment, etc., as well as the passage of vehicles and holding events with the mass stay of people is not allowed unauthorized without coordination with the administration;

swimming and sunbathing is allowed only in specially equipped areas of the lake and beach;

fishing from the shore is allowed only to vacationers of the Sanatorium, fishing in the beach area is not allowed;

feeding of waterfowl and other animals throughout the Sanatorium is not allowed;

cultural events on the territory of the Sanatorium are organized only for vacationers and guests invited by them (with the exception of public events held in coordination with the administration of the Sanatorium);

the territory of the Sanatorium is a non-smoking zone, smoking is allowed only in specially designated areas, violation of this prohibition entails bringing to administrative responsibility in accordance with the Administrative Offenses Code of the Republic of Belarus.

3.3. Terms of use of places to stay.

3.3.1. Places to stay should be used by vacationers strictly for the purpose. Vacationers must comply with the procedures and requirements that ensure the safety of the housing stock, equipment, sanitary equipment, lighting and other equipment.

3.3.2. Vacationers have the right to invite guests to their temporary stay in accordance with the requirements of the established access control. At the same time, the norms established by these Rules of stay are fully applicable to guests.

3.4. In public places and places for living, vacationers and guests are prohibited from:

conducting mass entertainment activities that violate the peace and rest of others;

breaking the silence and listen to music using sound amplifying equipment in the period from 23.00 to 08.00 in the morning;

using noise and lighting effects, including pyrotechnic means (fireworks, firecrackers, lighting flares, etc.);

making a fire, organizing picnics and entertainment outside the territories and premises determined by the administration, violating fire safety requirements;

carrying and storing all types of fire, traumatic, pneumatic weapons and firing them, as well as ammunition and objects of active defense (aerosol packaging of tears and irritants, stun guns, etc., cold steel);

using sports equipment that represents a danger to the health and life of others and the vacationer (bows, crossbows, throwing weapons, etc.);

storing explosive, flammable and toxic substances and means;

being in a state of intoxication, as well as drink alcoholic, low alcohol beverages, including beer, in public places (except for public catering and trade, where the sale of such beverages is allowed)

consuming narcotic and stupefying substances, being in a state of intoxication or under the influence of intoxicants;

staying on the territory of the Sanatorium with dogs, cats and other animals without the consent of the administration and the provision of the necessary documents (certificates, passports, etc.);

independently re-arranging furniture in residential and non-residential premises, independently replacing locks, installing water filters, pumps, etc. without agreement with the administration;

activating fire alarm systems (except alarm in case of fire).




4.1. Access to the territory of the Sanatorium is allowed only for vacationers on all types of vouchers, guests who receive paid services, as well as other categories of persons, in the manner determined by these Rules of stay and the Instruction on the organization of the access control regime to the Sanatorium.

4.2. In case of arrival of guests to the person who is having a rest in the Sanatorium, he or she is obliged to inform them about the Rules of stay in the Sanatorium and the need to get acquainted with them. Vacationer is personally responsible for the compliance of guests with these rules of stay. Finding guests on the territory of the Sanatorium including in places of residence (in rooms) from 23.00 to 8.00 without paying for them stay is strictly prohibited. The possibility of staying in a room from 23.00 to 8.00 is provided to the guest in agreement with the administration of the Sanatorium and subject to payment for a bed in the room (if there is an additional or free main place) in accordance with the current price list.

4.3. The rules of entry and placement of vehicles on the territory of the Sanatorium are established by the administration of the institution.

4.4. Providing a parking space on the territory of the Sanatorium for vacationers and guests of the Sanatorium is provided for a fee. The amount of payment is determined by the current price list, the location of the transport is indicated by the security guard.

4.5. Parking of vehicles on the territory of the Sanatorium without payment is allowed:

vehicles (including taxi services) delivering passengers from among persons arriving to a sanatorium-resort treatment or rehabilitation, upon presentation of their passport, sanatorium-resort book, voucher or other supporting document. The specified category of vehicles is allowed to stay on the territory of the Sanatorium for no more than 30 minutes. If this time is exceeded, parking is paid according to the price list;

ambulance crews, fire and rescue units, emergency services, police officers and military outfits, employees of state security agencies, prosecutors and other law enforcement and regulatory agencies to perform their official tasks;

Sanatorium employees (according to the list or bypass of the established sample).

4.6. Vacationers are allowed to travel for unloading and loading personal belongings directly to the buildings on the day of arrival and the day of departure, provided that the vehicle is at the building for no more than 30 minutes. To ensure the passage, it is necessary to contact the security personnel at the checkpoint or in the main building.

4.7. When driving a car on the territory of the Sanatorium, its speed should not exceed 30 km / h.

4.8. Owners of vehicles are prohibited from:

placing the vehicle in places not specified by the guard service worker, including on the sites adjacent to residential buildings (except for the cases specified in paragraph 4.5.), in the forest-park area, on lawns or parking lots for official vehicles, in technological areas etc., in places allocated for vehicles of persons with disabilities;

placing the vehicle (stopping) in parking lots with the engine turned on;

placing vehicles on the hatches of sewage and fire hydrants;

placing on the territory of the Sanatorium vehicles that have leaks of fuel and lubricants or technical liquids;

making on the parking space repair of the vehicle, its lubrication, painting; refueling or draining of fuel, technical liquids, heating the engine with an open fire;

installing frames and other temporary structures for sheltering vehicles;

interfering with the movement of other vehicles.




5.1. In order to avoid fires, it is prohibited to:

make fires throughout the Sanatorium, smoke in unidentified places, throw out burning cigarette butts throughout the Sanatorium and the territory of the adjacent nature protection zone;

use firecrackers, fireworks, light rockets and other pyrotechnic equipment on the territory of the Sanatorium without coordination with the administration and security;

store in places of rest and residence flammable liquids, combustible gases, explosives, ammunition, etc.;

use electric irons, electric stoves, electric kettles and other electric heaters without supports made of non-combustible materials;

use defective electrical appliances, damaged electrical outlets, knife switches, and other wiring accessories;

leave unattended electric heaters included in the network; TVs, radios, etc .;

cover and wrap lights with paper, cloth and other materials;

plug multiple electrical appliances into a single electrical outlet, which can lead to electrical overload and short circuits;

include electrical receivers with a capacity of more than 500 W (electrical heaters, dryers and other powerful household appliances) in the socket network;

make changes to the electrical circuit in the places of residence and rest, install additional sockets and lamps, use self-made electric heaters and temporary harness, electric boilers.

5.2. For troubleshooting, you must contact the ward nurse (maid) or call a specialist through the administrator.

5.3. Before leaving the places of rest and residence or departure from the Sanatorium, it is necessary to inspect all premises for fire safety, disconnect all electrical appliances from the network, close windows and air vents, and the entrance door to the lock.

5.4. When a fire or signs of burning (smoke, burning smell, temperature increase, etc.) are found, the vacationer (guests) should:

1) to notify a fire of all persons in a place of rest and residence, a public place;

2) to urgently report a fire, you must use the manual warning system buttons located in the buildings, or immediately inform the security officer by calling the mobile phone number + 375-44-501-35-34 or the administrator by phone + 375-2157-377- 03, at the same time it is necessary to name your location, place of the fire, as well as tell your last name;

3) take measures to evacuate people and extinguish the fire.

5.5. In the event of a fire in a place of rest, residence, public place due to the fault of holidaymakers and guests, the perpetrators are fully responsible in accordance with the current legislation of the Republic of Belarus.




6.1. The administration has the right to:

in case of violation by vacationers and guests of these Rules of stay, consider the issue of early termination of a voucher (or termination of the contract) and discharge (eviction) of guests and vacationers from the Sanatorium without reimbursement of the cost of the remaining days of stay under the voucher (contract);

in case of causing material damage to the Sanatorium, to demand from the vacationer or guest to pay damages in full, in accordance with the current legislation, established rules and regulations;

to ensure access control and security regime on the territory of the Sanatorium, to demand from all persons on the territory of the Sanatorium compliance with the regimes established in the Sanatorium, including the present Rules of stay.

6.2. Administration is obliged to:

provide services to vacationers in accordance with the terms of the purchased vouchers (contracts), of adequate quality and range, in compliance with all the rules and regulations stipulated by the current legislation and internal regulatory legal acts;

to provide conditions for observance by vacationers and guests - on the one hand, and the administration - on the other hand, the implementation of these Rules of stay, the current legislation, internal regulatory legal acts governing the provision of services for treatment, rest and accommodation in health facilities;

contain treatment, rest and residence places, public places in proper condition, technically sound, staffed according to the current rules and regulations;

monitor the status of safety and fire safety;

inform vacationers on all matters of service, carefully and professionally treat requests and requests of vacationers, explain the actions of the administration to implement these rules of stay;

bring these Rules of stay to every vacationer. Guests of these Terms of stay are brought in the part relating to them.

6.3. Responsibility of the administration.

6.3.1. The administration is responsible in cases and in the manner prescribed by the legislation of the Republic of Belarus.

6.3.2. The administration is not responsible for the loss of money, securities, bank means of payment, jewelry and other valuables, personal belongings and property of vacationers and guests, with the exception of things (objects), deposited in a safe (if available).

6.3.3. The administration is not responsible for the consequences of illegal or unlawful actions (including those related to the infliction of material, moral or other harm) on vacationers and guests, unless otherwise established by applicable law.

6.4. Vacationers and guests of the Sanatorium have the right to:

receive services in volume, assortment and with proper quality in accordance with the terms of the voucher (contract, price list, standard, etc.);

receive additional services provided by the Sanatorium, on a paid and free basis, in accordance with the conditions of the voucher (contract, price list, internal regulatory documents, standards, etc.);

demand from the administration the proper execution of these Rules of stay;

receive clarifications from the administration regarding the validity of the norms of these Rules of stay.

6.5. Responsibilities of vacationers and guests:

strictly comply with these rules of stay;

take care of property and equipment located in places of treatment, rest and residence, public places, prevent its damage, loss, unauthorized use;

take care of the environment;

follow the rules of social dormitory, show mutual respect and tolerance towards others;

to compensate in the established procedure for material damage, to bear compensation costs caused by their own illegal actions;

comply with the regime and daily routine established by the administration;

to observe the access control and security regime on the territory of the Sanatorium;

observe personal security measures;

respect the human dignity, personal and property integrity of sanatorium workers and others.




7.1. In cases not covered by these Rules of stay, issues related to the rights and legitimate interests of vacationers, guests and the administration of the Sanatorium are resolved in the manner prescribed by the current legislation of the Republic of Belarus.


Public contract for the provision of paid medical and cosmetic services

Approved by order

of the head of the institution –

the head physician


№ ___ from ___.___. 201_



on the provision of paid medical and cosmetic services


 Domashkovichi village


This public contract determines the procedure for the provision of paid medical and cosmetological services (hereinafter - services) in the State Institution Lesnoye  Sanatorium of the State Security Committee of the Republic of Belarus between the State Institution Lesnoye Sanatorium of the State Security Committee of the Republic of Belarus, hereinafter referred to as «Contractor», represented by the head of the institution - the chief physician Apalkov Sergey Nikolayevich, acting on the basis of the Charter, on the one hand, and the consumer of services, hereinafter referred to as the «Customer», who accepted the public offer to enter into this public contract, on the other hand, jointly referred to as the «Parties».


1. Subject of the contract


1.1. The Contractor undertakes to provide the Customer, according to Appendix No. 1, which is an integral part of this contract, and the schedule of procedures (issued to the Customer) services, and the Customer undertakes to pay for services according to the price list for services approved at the State Institution Lesnoye Sanatorium of the State Security Committee of the Republic of Belarus (hereinafter referred to as Sanatorium ).

2. Rights and Obligations of the parties

2.1. The contractor under this contract is obliged to:

2.1.1. provide services, paid according to the price list and annex No. 1, in a qualified manner;

2.1.2. ensure proper provision of services to the customer in full;

2.2.3. change the scope of services in circumstances threatening the life and health of the Customer unilaterally.

2.3. The customer under this contract shall:

2.3.1. pay for the services of the Contractor in the manner prescribed by this contract.

2.3.2. if it is necessary to assist the Contractor in the provision of services.

2.3.3. inform the Contractor about  the necessary data on the state of health, comply with all appointments and prescriptions of the attending physician.

2.3.4. timely inform about the circumstances that may affect the improper performance of obligations by the Contractor.

2.4. The customer under this contract has the right to:

2.4.1. require the Contractor to provide proper services in full.

2.5. The parties undertake to comply with the rules for the provision of services (annex No. 2).

3. Cost of services. Settlement procedure

3.1. The cost of providing services under this contract is determined according to the price list for services.

3.2. The customer makes an advance payment for the services by depositing money into the cashier’s desk in the following order: an advance payment of 100% of the cost of the services indicated in the schedule of procedures with a “paid” mark.

3.3. The official source of information about the Sanatorium is the Sanatorium website (www.sanlesnoe.by).


4. Responsibilities of the parties

4.1. For non-fulfillment or improper fulfillment of obligations under this agreement, the parties are liable under the legislation of the Republic of Belarus.

4.2. The parties are exempt from liability for improper performance or failure to fulfill obligations under this contract, if this improper performance or failure was the result of force majeure circumstances that the parties could not foresee or prevent. The circumstances of force majeure include: war, earthquake, flood, hurricane, fire, or similar phenomena, as well as laws, orders or other regulatory documents of the competent state bodies, local authorities, adopted after the signing of this contract and preventing its execution.

4.3. Upon termination of obligations under this contract due to the occurrence of force majeure circumstances, the Contractor shall return to the Customer the cost (part of the cost) of services minus the costs actually incurred by the Contractor.

5. Final provisions and term of the contract

5.1. This contract is considered to be concluded from the moment of arriving at the cash desk or on the Contractor’s settlement account of the funds paid by the Customer against the prepayment of the services ordered by it on the basis of the schedule of procedures and annex No. 1. The contract valid until the Parties fulfill their obligations.

5.2. Disputes on the execution of the contract are resolved through negotiations, and in case of not reaching an agreement, are considered in court at the location of the Contractor. Claims shall be submitted to the Contractor in writing with a justification of the requirements and other relevant documents. Claims received from the Customer shall be reviewed within 15 days from the date of its receipt in writing.

5.3. In all other respects that are not stipulated by this agreement, the parties are guided by the legislation of the Republic of Belarus.


Terms of the contract are binding. Inattentive familiarization with the contract does not release the Customer from the fulfillment of the contract.


6. Legal and bank details of the Contractor

State Institution "The Lesnoye Sanatorium"of the State Security Committee of the Republic of Belarus"

Unique Payer Number 300325320

211741, Republic of Belarus, Vitebsk region, Dokshytsky district, Begomlsky village council, Domashkovichi village, the Lesnoe Sanatorium, 4

Bank account for Belarusian rubles BY51AKBB36329000443262300000,

in the center of banking services No. 209 of the branch No. 216 of JSC ASB Belarusbank in the town of Dokshitsy, 211720, Vitebsk Region, the town of Dokshitsy, ul. Leninskaya, 11, BIC Bank AKBBBY21216, Unique Payer Number of the Bank 300230580,

Tel./fax: 8-10-375-2157-37785, Tel .: 8-10-375-2157-37816, 8-10-375-2157-55555,

8-10-375-29-136-36-36 (Vel, Viber. WhatsApp), 8-10-375-29-527-27-27 (MTS, Viber, WhatsApp), 8-10-375-2157- 37-969 (duty officer), 8-10-375-44-501-35-34 (duty officer, Vel),

8-10-375-2157-37935 (medical post)

skype: sanlesnoe

website: www.sanlesnoe.by

e-mail: sanlesnoe@mail.ru



Annex № 1


to a public contract,

approved by order

of the head of the institution –

the chief physician


№ _______ from ___.___. 201_



Bill-act of done services No. _______ of "_____" __________ 201__.



Contractor: the State institution “Lesnoye Sanatorium” of the State Security Committee of the Republic of Belarus”



Last name, first name, patronymic name


Year of birth


Passport details (series, number)




Voucher period





Наименование услуги (процедуры) – Name of service (procedure)

Цена за ед., бел.руб. - Price per unit, Belarusian rubles

Кол-во - Quantity

Стоимость, бел.руб. - Cost, Belarusian rubles

Примечание - Note



(должность) -  (position)

(подпись) - (signature)

(расшифровка) – (explanation)

Заказчик - Customer

(Фамилия, инициалы) -  (Last name, initials)




The official source of information about the Contractor is the Sanatorium website (www.sanlesnoe.by).


The receipt of funds from this account to the settlement account or to the cashier of the Contractor is the unconditional acceptance of the terms of this public contract and confirmation of familiarizing the Customer with the terms of this public contract, with annex No. 1, with the Contractor’s price list for services and with annex No. 2, the texts of which are posted on the website: www.sanlesnoe.by.




Annex № 2


to a public contract,

approved by order

of the head of the institution –

the chief physician



Rules for the provision of services


1. The cost of services is determined by the Price List valid at the time of purchase of services.

2. The time of the provision of services (the time of work of the Contractor’s staff): Monday - Friday from 08:00 am to 5:00 pm, separate medical departments work until 8:00 pm;

Saturday – Sunday separate medical departments work from 08.00 am to 8.00 pm;

emergency assistance to the customer is provided around the clock.

The administration of the Sanatorium reserves the right to change the working hours of medical and cosmetic surgeries.

3. When rendering services, it is not permissible for the Customer to be in a state of alcoholic, narcotic, toxic or other intoxication. When the Customer is in a state of alcoholic, narcotic, toxic or other intoxication, the service is not provided to the Customer. The customer must in advance, in accordance with the schedule of procedures issued by the Contractor, at least 5 (five) minutes before the time of the beginning of the medical procedure, appear at the relevant employee of the Contractor, to whom he needs to arrive for medical and cosmetic procedures.

4. In case the Customer is more than 15 (fifteen) minutes late in relation to the appointed time for receiving the medical procedure, the Contractor reserves the right to completely cancel the service, in exceptional cases it is possible to postpone the service.

5. In case of cancellation of the procedure due to the Customer’s fault, no refund or recalculation of the money spent on its payment is made.

6. In the process of providing services, the Customer must behave correctly with the employee of the Contractor, who provides him with a specific type of service.

7. If the Customer wishes to cancel the service, or transfer it to another time or another day, he must inform the attending physician about this at least 24 hours before the start of the procedure in order to make adjustments to the schedule of procedures. Otherwise, the Contractor reserves the right to demand payment for the order in full.

8. All services, including those additionally paid, are assigned to the Customer by the Contractor’s doctor in accordance with medical indications and contraindications.

9. The basis for the Customer to receive the service is a check, which is issued to the Customer by the cashier after the prepayment of the service.

10. The customer has the right to receive available information about his state of health in an accessible form.

11. The contractor has the right, and in some cases is obliged, unilaterally to suspend the provision of medical and cosmetic procedures in the presence of:

health complaints and (or) medical contraindications for the health of the Customer, confirmed by the conclusion of the Contractor’s doctor. In this case, as agreed with the Customer, the time of rendering medical and cosmetic procedures can be rescheduled or cash refunds in proportion to the cost of the procedure not provided;

systematic (two or more times in a row) violation of the schedule of procedures, the Customer’s failure to comply with mandatory instructions and recommendations of the Contractor’s employees;

appearances on medical and cosmetological procedures under the condition of alcoholic, narcotic or toxic intoxication. At the same time, the cost and terms of providing services are not subject to change and revision;

force majeure. In this case, as agreed with the Customer, the time of rendering medical and cosmetic procedures can be rescheduled or a refund in proportion to the cost of the procedure not provided.

12. The Customer is entitled to unilaterally suspend the reception of medical and cosmetic procedures in the event of complaints about the health and (or) poor health of the Customer, confirmed by the conclusion of the medical personnel of the Contractor. In this case, as agreed with the Customer, the time of rendering medical and cosmetic procedures can be rescheduled or a refund is made in proportion to the cost of the procedure not provided.

3D kelionė


Sanatorijoje "Lesnoye" sukuriamos visos vizaverčio Sanatorinio poilsio kurorto sąlygos. Dėl poilsiautojus organizavo ekskursijos į vietas, kultūros ir istorijos paveldo Baltarusijos pop, masinių šventės su gydo. Sanatorijos darbuotojų rengia mėgėjiškos dailės koncertus, kurie gali būti įtraukti į visas atrasas.

Kasdien organizuojami vaizdo įrašai ir diskotekos. Už gerą poilsį vakare yra kavinė, kurioje siūlomi barų meniu su gėrimais ir šaltais bei karštais užkandžiais. Be to, „Lesnoye“ sanatorijoje yra specialus banketų meniu, skirtas šeimos šventėms, jubiliejams ir įsimintinoms datoms organizuoti, su galimybe juos laikyti banketų salėje.

 Gerbėjai sporto medicinos korpusas yra įrengta sporto ir sporto salė, kur konkursai stalo tenisas, biliardas, tinklinis, mini futbolo ir kitų rūšių sporto vyksta. Į 2016 dėl sanatorijos "Lesnaya" teritorijoje buvo dar vienas sporto žemės gatvės simuliatoriai, kurie greitai tapo mėgsta visus mūsų sanatorijos poilsiautojus.

 Be to, nuomos siūlo: dviračiai, katamaranai, valtys, baidarės, valtis, vandens slidės, žvejybos reikmenys (vasaros ir žiemos žvejyba), aksesuarai plaukimo, gultais holai, slidės, rogės, tubingi, pačiūžos, sniegomobilis. Įprastų vaikščioti mes siūlome padidinti su lenkai naudoti Nordic Walking, kuri padeda suderinti visų raumenų grupių tonas poveikį.

 Miške ant ežero kranto įrengta pavėsinės su Grilis Grilis, nustatyti ekologinius maršrutus ir dviračių maršrutus, kurie žiemą virsta slidinėjimo šlaituose.

 Sanatorija "Lesnoye" yra vienintelė Baltarusijoje, siūlanti jodinėjimą žirgais. Jodinėjimas ant sanatorijos "Lesnoye" takai ir takai duos jums ne tik malonumą, bet ir turi teigiamą gydomąjį poveikį visam organizmui. Bendravimas su žirgu kelia nuotaiką, suteikia džiaugsmo ir teigiamos energijos mokestį, ir jojimo-tai yra puiki apkrova viso kūno raumenis, tiek vaikams, tiek suaugusiems.          

 Mes siūlome nuoširdžią poilsį jaukumo ir šilumos atmosferoje. Ar malonus poilsis ir jaudinantis pramoga sanatorijoje "Lesnoye"!


Sanatorijoje "Lesnoye" tai gerai, kad poilsio ir gerbėjų medžioklės, o ne skinti hobis.

 Mūsų sanatorija yra šalia medžioklės ūkių "Begomlske miškininkystė" ("Goryenka") ir Berezinsky biosferos draustinis (Berezina ir Barsuki), įsikūręs tik 20-30 km nuo sanatorijos "Lesnoye". 

Dėl vasaros rudenį medžioklė medžioklės ūkio teritorijoje "Begomlske miškininkystė"

Nuo rugpjūčio 11 iki gruodžio 09 į "Begomlske miškininkystė" bus leidžiama skristi rudens medžioklės vandens paukščiai Marsh, pelkė-pieva ir Borovaya žaidimas (Woodcock), taip pat balandžiai (balandis, audra). Medžioklė leidžiama dienos metu šautuvo metodu iš pasala, nuo požiūrio, nuo mažų laivų įėjimo. Medžioklė lazdynas Grouse, Pilkoji Kurapka bus atidaryta nuo rugsėjo 1 d. 2018 iki gruodžio 09, 2018; Dėl Beloolobogo žąsų, žąsies-Humennik, pilka, kareivinės Kanados nuo rugsėjo 15, 2018 iki gruodžio 09, 2018.

 Medžioklės kuponų kaina nustatyta pagal šiuos dydžius:

-Sezoninis-60 BYN (apie 25 eurų)

-Vienvietis-6 BYN (apie 2,5 eurų)

 Dėl perkūno oželiai medžioklės atidarymo

Nuo liepos 14 "Begomlske miškininkystė" atviro sezono šautuvas medžioklės perkūno oželiai su medžiokliniai šunys-Mentai, spaniel, retriveriai. Pagal vieno medžioklinis šuo taisyklės gali medžioti tuo pačiu metu iki trijų medžiotojų.

 Iš pradžių Šis medžioklės tipas buvo atliktas dviejų tipų Fowl-Bekas ir Duphel. Tačiau dėl reikšmingo gyventojų skaičiaus sumažėjimo, Dupel buvo išbrauktos iš medžiojamųjų gyvūnų sąrašo ir įtrauktas į Raudonąją Baltarusijos knygą.

 Atsižvelgiant į tai, kad perkūno oželiai ir Dupel vasaros-rudens laikotarpiu užima beveik tas pačias buveines, turi panašias morfologines (dydis, spalva) ir elgsenos bruožai, kiekvienas medžiotojas turi sugebėti aiškiai atskirti šių dviejų rūšių medžioklės perkūno oželiai.

 Mes ypatingą dėmesį kreipiame į medžiotojų, kad iš panašios išvaizdos Duphel Beckas skiriasi balta be margas pilvo ir juodos raudonos ekstremalios Vairo plunksnos. Snukis turi margas pilvą ir šonus, taip pat baltas tris ekstremalias vairavimo plunksnų poras. Tai balta ekstremalios uodegos plunksnos leidžia medžiotojui drąsiai atskirti snukis nuo Perkūno per paukščio ir jo skrydžio pakilimo.

 Apie stirno elnių medžioklės atradimą

 Nuo gegužės 15 iki rugsėjo 30, 2018 iš stirnos (suaugusių vyrų, veislinių gyvūnų bet lytį ir amžių) gamyba leidžiama iš pasalą su požiūris per dieną.

Leidimo plėti Roe kaina yra nustatyta norma 150 BYN (apie 64 eurų), iš trofėjų kaina-200 BYN (apie 85 eurų). Medžioklės leidimo kaina leidimo plėšrūnų yra 10 BYN (apie 4 eurų).

 Mes ypatingą dėmesį kreipiame į medžiotojų, kad iš panašios išvaizdos Duphel Beckas skiriasi balta be margas pilvo ir juodos raudonos ekstremalios Vairo plunksnos. Snukis turi margas pilvą ir šonus, taip pat baltas tris ekstremalias vairavimo plunksnų poras. Tai balta ekstremalios uodegos plunksnos leidžia medžiotojui drąsiai atskirti snukis nuo Perkūno per paukščio ir jo skrydžio pakilimo.

 Šernas areštas informacija

Pagal laikiną nuostatą dėl specialaus šernų išteklių arešto, laidojimo ir sunaikinimo Baltarusijos Respublikos teritorijoje, patvirtinto Baltarusijos Respublikos Ministrų Tarybos nutarimu nuo 27.07.2014 metų Nr. 729, Hunter Šernams yra mokama piniginė kompensacija, kurios dydis – 2 baziniai vienetai (apie 2,5 eurų).

Be to, “Begomlske miškininkystė " įsigijo 4 vienetų šaunamųjų ginklų, išnuomotų medžiotojams. Nuomos ginklas kaina yra 40 BYN (apie 17 eurų) per dieną 1 vienetas, vienos kasetės kaina-4 BYN (apie 1.70 eurų).

 Informacijos šaltinis: http://www.begomlles.by/ru/obshchaya-informaciya

Taip pat galite medžioti netoli Berezinsky rezervo srityje. Jūsų paslaugoms, dviejų medžioklės įrenginių Berezinsky biosfera rezervas: "Barsuki" ir "Berezina". Medžioklės turizmas yra atliekamas tik remiantis medžioklės ūkiuose "Barsuki" ir "Berezina", įsikūręs už rezervo ribų. Medžioklės ūkiai turi 15 metų patirtį kelionių organizatorius veiklos organizavimo medžioklės turai užsienio piliečiams.


 Medžiotojams ypač domina Briedis (medžiotojų skaičius-apie 130 asmenų), elnias (80), šernų (230), Roe (340), Gluhara (70), Teterev (90). Kanopinių tankumas yra 4,7-12, 7 individų tankis per 1000. Ha. Maksimalus dydis išgauti trofėjus: Elk ragai, elnias-iki 10 kg, stirnos-iki 500 gr., šernų fangs-iki 25 cm. Apie 1000 vandens paukščiai gyvena Beresha ežere kasmet. Per pavasarį ir rudenį apima jų skaičius smarkiai padidėja (iki 2500-3000 asmenų).


Informacijos šaltinis: http://www.berezinsky.by/ru/hunting/


Žuvies mėgėjams sanatorija "Lesnoye" siūlo derinti sveikatos skatinimą su medicinos bazės pagalba su mėgstamu hobiu-žvejyba.  Nereikia nešiotis visų įrankių. Nuomos punkte galite išsinuomoti valtis ir meškere.

Jūsų laimikis gali būti sudarytas iš šių žuvų rūšių:










Taip pat Gaivus oras ir graži gamta. Ir gavo emocijas galima suskirstyti su draugais ir vietinių žmonių per sriubos puodelis specialiai įrengta poilsio paviljonai tiesiai ant ežero kranto.

Taip pat galite pamatyti asmeninę patirtį ir žvejybos atsižvelgiant į mūsų ežero vienas iš mūsų poilsiautojus į dienoraštį:  https://kleviy-ray.ru/sanatorij-lesnoe-vitebskoj-oblasti-kakaya-zdes-rybalka/#more-361 ir žiūrėti

vaizdo: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RkpHRSdXo2U




IŠ 344.77 BYN
IŠ 393,59 BYN
IŠ 333,45 BYN


    Jūs turite prisijungti, jei norite komentuoti.


    Mūsų adresas :

    Baltarusijos Respublika, Vitebsko regionas, Dokshchytsky rajonas, Domashkovichi kaimas, Lesnoe

    Skambinkite telefonu :

    +375 29 136-36-36 +375 29 527-27-27


    MMN : 300325320

    Tinklalapis : https://sanlesnoe.by

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